Monday, March 15, 2021

Best Practices to Follow for Steel Reinforcement

 Steel has proved itself to be an ideal material for the construction industry across the globe. When it is heated, it will expand or contract. You will have to cut and bend steel so that it forms a shape and can improve the structure of any project.  Reinforcing steel helps to improve the strength of the concrete and limits cracking by the support of it.

Steel reinforcement is a kind of concrete where you can embed steel in it. A lot of construction firms are using steel-reinforced concrete because it makes their work easy, flexible, and better.

Below are some best practices that you can follow for reinforcement steel bars:

  • Material procurement: Whenever you use any kind of material like black-bar, welded wire fabric, etc. you need to ensure that they meet the safety standards. These standards assure that good quality of the material is used in reinforced concrete products.

  • Storage: All the materials should be stored elevated from the ground - preferably in racks where it supports reinforcement and prevents contaminants.  Always prevent it from sun, rain, snow and ice so that it is protected from weathering and oxidation of steel before use in any project.

  • Fabrication:  All the reinforced steel must be fabricated according to the guidelines. Carefully measure, cut, and bend to ensure accuracy. If you are bending or cutting the steel in cold weather then it needs to preheat to prevent it from cracking.

  • Repair damage and look for warning signs: If any damage is seen then it should be repaired using an appropriate patching material with the material manufacturer’s confirmation. Double-check it and see if there are any small cracks. Always check the steel temperature and ambient temperature to discard any compromised reinforcement.

  • Approved variation: If any changes are done with the variation or size then it has to be approved by the plant personnel. You cannot use larger sizes or change them without approval because it will not build a stronger structure.

Gulf Steel is ranked as one of the most reputed
rebar manufacturers in the UAE. Led by a strong team, the company focuses on technological excellence geared towards the production of high-quality steel products.

How to bend rebar?

  Listed below are some ways to bend rebar: Bend Rebar by Hand (Pipe) Bending rebar by hand, or manually bending it, is the most fundamental...